PRP skin rejuvenation

Do you want to fight the aging process? CONSULTATION WITH DR COEUGNIET

PRP skin rejuvenation

Do you want to fight the aging process?
  • Duration
    30-60 minutes
  • Type of anesthesia
    Numbing cream
  • Number of sessions
    3 to 4 sessions per year
  • Recovery
    1-2 days

Skin rejuvenation with PRP

This procedure consists of a non-invasive facial contouring from a concentrate of platelets rich in growth factors.

Our Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) contains active growth factors. Cells produce hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in our skin. PRP treatment is done by injecting the person’s platelet extracts… hence its name ‘vampire lift’. This treatment by injection of PRP (Plasma Riches in Platelets) helps fight against wrinkles, fine lines, complexion disturbances, dark circles and obtain a remodeling or radiance boost.

The injection of autologous platelets (PRP) plumps up the skin and keeps it in excellent hydration state without side effects.

A PRP treatment rejuvenates the skin from the inside out, so it’s the ideal remedy for anyone who wants to restore radiance and firmer texture to their skin, by a natural method. PRP treatment stimulates collagen production and healthy tissue growth, thus promoting the skin’s natural healing process.

The result is firmer skin, which looks more beautiful and younger.

Course of a session

First and foremost, the doctor takes a blood sample. This is immediately processed by centrifugation to obtain a mixture in which the platelets are concentrated in the plasma. Red and white blood cells are excluded from the mixture, their presence making the injection ineffective.

The mixture thus obtained is then injected into the areas to be treated in order to fill in wrinkles and hollows and to reshape the volume of the face.

During the 3 weeks following the injection, the platelets produce vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory and local immunity stimulating effects. The enriched plasma will gradually contribute to making the skin firmer, tighter and younger.

This treatment is completely harmless. Its great advantage is that it only uses substances from the body. It’s 100% natural!

PRP therapy (or vampire facelift) can be used for the treatment of:

  • Face, neck, cleavage and hands
  • Nasolabial folds and other facial folds
  • Scars from acne and other superficial scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles, bags under the eyes
  • Scalp

Slide Wrinkles around the eyes Stimulates hair growth Increases collagen production Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles Firmer and tighter skin Improves skin tone and texture Rejuvenates the neck
and cleavage
Rejuvenated hands Reduction of scars


Check out the gallery of Dr. Edouard Coeugniet to discover the before and after pictures of the procedures.

These pictures will help you understand the results of the procedure and will allow you to fix realistic goals for your aesthetic results and wellness.


Help yourself in the fight against aging!

Dr. Edouard Coeugniet has expertise and years of experience in PRP skin rejuvenation procedures. Over the years, Dr. Coeugniet’s primary mission has always been to meet the needs of his patients and offer them personalized, human services that meet the highest standards.

Schedule a consultation at our clinic with Dr. Coeugniet. He is at your disposal to inform you and advise you according to your morphology and your expectations.


Is it painful?

Most patients rate the PRP facelift as a virtually painless treatment. If you are worried about pain, you may possibly be given intravenous sedation. A deep sleep during treatment saves you from the pain of the injections.

Are there any risks?

There is no risk of an allergic reaction with PRP therapy, because the enriched plasma is made from the patient’s own blood. PRP contains, among other things, concentrated white blood cells, the body’s natural defenders against infections. These are therefore extremely rare.

Are red blood cells reinjected?

No. Red blood cells are separated from platelets. Only the enriched plasma (PRP) is reinjected into the skin.

Is this treatment achieved in the doctor's consultation room?

A secure environment is of the utmost importance. However, this process does not require an operating room; blood can be taken and the treatment be administered in the practice room of the office.

How long does a PRP treatment last?

The treatment normally lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area to be treated.

When can I resume my usual activities?

The treated skin area appears slightly reddened, with slight bruising. These phenomena disappear completely after a few days.

Should I repeat this treatment?

For best results, we recommend starting with three consecutive treatments, separated by six weeks each. Then, depending on the skin type, we recommend one session every 6 to 12 months, to maintain the aesthetics of the skin.

Example One

Experience and passion at the service of patients.

Whether for plastic, cosmetic or reconstruction surgeries, Dr. Coeugniet is committed to supporting his patients in this important process which will allow them to improve both their quality of life and their self-esteem. CONSULTATION WITH DR COEUGNIET

*Photos and videos are not presented as a guarantee of results. Results may vary.
**The patients have given their consent for the publication of the photos and videos.